Worksystems is offering free online trainings in August:

Best Practices in Youth Management to Increase Retention

August 1, 1-2:30 pm PST

Core Knowledge Category: Program Management, 1.5 hours

Supervising employees who are newer to working can require specific supervision skills. This class will support you building those supervision skills, leading to higher youth employee retention rates, reduced turnover costs (and related impacts), and positive development for young employees.

Best Practices in Youth Management, Part 2 for Early Childhood Education

Thursday, August 8, 1:00-2:30 pm

Core Knowledge Category: Program Management

Pre-requisite: Best Practices in Youth Management to Increase Retention (8/1)

Class description: This 1.5-hour session will offer an additional opportunity to discuss specific scenarios from participants’ current and past experiences. Join experienced youth manager Sara Weihmann and your colleagues to brainstorm and problem solve using the practices shared in the previous training.

Space is limited to 25 early learning professionals. Certificates will be awarded for each training. You must attend Part 1 before Part 2.

To register, please reply to

Include the following information:

First and last name:


Email address:

Organization name:

Organization city:

You will be registered for both events and sent individual calendar invites for each. If registering, please plan to attend BOTH days.